Generate static or interactive “slippy” map in a card window or as html source code for use in your own web viewer. You supply the data in one of many forms including Latitude/Longitude, GeoJSON, IP Address, ArcGIS Mapservice, and more. Many basemap and map configuration options are available. Search widgets for finding place or addresses or even searching your own data layers are also supported. An edit layer can also be enabled for drawing features and placing pins. This flare makes all of this possible simply sending your data and desired map configuration options via a JSON script parameter. A detailed example script parameter that shows all options is provided to get you started.
This map flare is made possible by the following open source JavaScript libraries. The links below combined with the example parameter provide detail on what options are available and how to use them.
Leaflet – an open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps
Esri Leaflet – A lightweight set of tools for using ArcGIS services with Leaflet.
Esri Leaflet Geocoder – small series of API helpers and UI controls to interact with the ArcGIS Online geocoding services.
Leaflet Providers – Basemap management.
Leaflet Draw – Drawing and editing vectors and markers on Leaflet maps

Status: Released
Tier: Pro
Since: 1.4
Get a simple static or interactive locator map (single point) in a card window or as html source code for use in your own web viewer. You must supply latitude, longitude, and optionally the starting zoom level. Many basemap options are available.
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